Would you like to save money on your energy bill and do something great for the planet?
Go Solar. Experience Net Metering. What is Net Metering? When the solar panels on your roof pump out electricity, it will be used right away to power whatever’s on in your house, like your TV, computer, or lamps. Extra energy is sent back to the utility, and as that happens, you’ll get to see your electric meter actually run backward. That’s net metering. Watch my Electric Meter Running Backwards video of the McCain House Electric Meter after Solar Install.
The McCain/Lacy Heritage Foundation
The McCain/Lacy Heritage Foundation is for students facing challenging situations and still average 90+ in math and science. Visit McCain/Lacy Heritage Foundation Facebook page for more info.
Home Solar Energy Installations – Go Green Now and Lower Your Bills
Does solar energy save money? Learn how much you can save on energy costs by installing a solar panel system in your home. We know solar! Installing solar panels helps save money for residential homes and small commercial properties. Read more.